Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lightings, Outside Texture Reference Object & Inside UV Mapping

Setting up the lightings for the tentacle. In this scene, i'm using one area light to lit up the front. A ambient light from the ground to reflect on the bottom. 

Lastly, three directional lights are created. One main light on the top, one light from the side and one light from the back. All lights had different density and colour picked.

My source to create the texture and UV are taken from the sculpture. But the result isn't that good so Chee Loong suggest to use the texture reference object.

After importing the outside FBX which is exported from Houdini, a surface shader with tracked camera is created to be projected onto the model. 

Prior to that, i create a texture reference object from the imported FBX. Somehow these look more natural compared to normal UV mapping.

These are the stone texture and normal map to be apply onto the inside.

The texture are applied onto the inside UV in Hypershade. 

Here is what the results look like. The texture reference object worked well as the fallen outside have the projection correctly mapped. 

Moving on,  i will do the passes and final rendering in Maya. After this, i will do the compositing in Nuke.

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