Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pipeline Test Phrase 2

After imported into Houdini, nodes are created to simulate the cracking.

The cracks are triggered with the tentacle movement.

The FBX are exported back to Maya.

The test phrases simulation worked. Therefore the next phrase will be moving on to refine the modelling and apply UV texture.

1 comment:

  1. Hey great idea! the octupus legs are looking good in the reference. A big challenge is to make the animation look good. You can try to match frame by frame any good tenticle motion reference on youtube.
    The fractured pieces right now are looking too simple, one issue is that they are too solid. If the octopus is in the statue, then it should be more like a shell than a solid cement piece.
    please talk to jason about displaced fracture edge.

    For additional details, you can paint cracks on the statue that you reveal in comp and also add in particle instance debris and dust.

    Try to work with a moving camera, it'll be more difficult but the results will look much better. Good Luck!
